“She told me she had been praying for a few weeks… for God to bring her someone to help her get closer to Him!” said Noah.
Noah (pictured above – back left) is a student leader that the Lord has raised up at American River College (a local community college). This is Noah’s last year at the campus before he transfers, and he has been praying that God would help him to multiply his faith and impact the campus.
Noah and Steven, one of our Cru staff members, were able to share the gospel with another student named Damaris during one of their regular coaching times. Damaris and her friend, Salvador, were hanging out between classes when Noah and Steven struck up a conversation with them.
As Noah and Steven shared with Damaris and Salvador about how to have a relationship with God through Jesus, Damaris opened up about her spiritual background. She grew up being loosely involved with a church, but as stopped going as she grew older. Her spiritual interest has recently been growing though.
After Noah and Steven shared the gospel with her, Damaris decided that she wanted to start a relationship with God! Noah took down her contact information and has been meeting with her regularly to help her grow in her faith.
Praise God that he is answering Noah’s prayers to multiply his faith and impact the campus!
Thank you for partnering with us to raise up students with a passion to impact their campus and reach those who don’t know Jesus!
Praise the Lord for bringing Damaris to himself. Pray that she would grow in her new relationship with God and get plugged into a solid church in the area.
Praise the Lord for using Noah! Pray that Noah would be able to help ground Damaris in the foundations of the faith and teach her to pass on her newfound faith to others.
Pray for our staff team as we begin the spring semester seeking to find new students that the Lord has already raised up who want to reach their campuses.
Cameron is 32 weeks pregnant with our third child (a boy). Pray for our family as we prepare and transition!
Winter can be a big time of sickness in our family, especially for the kids. Please pray for health, and for endurance and joy when sickness does come.