Monthly Archives: August 2024

God at Work in Tahoe

Suzannah (left of Cameron) grew in evangelism at the Lake Tahoe Summer Mission

Our family spent 3 beautiful days in Tahoe last month while I (Cameron) got to train 47 students from all over the U.S. in how to love your neighbor and live missionally after college. While attending the Lake Tahoe Summer Mission, students get jobs locally or take classes at the community college, and use their evenings and weekends to participate in trainings, outreaches, community, and discipleship geared towards growing them in their walks with Jesus during and after college. Essentially, students are given opportunities to see how God can use their everyday moments for His glory! This summer, students and staff in Tahoe were able to share the gospel with 328 people (co-workers, locals, tourists, etc), and saw 17 people place their faith in Jesus through their outreaches and the relationships students built with co-workers.

After finishing one of my trainings, Suzannah (left of Cameron above), who had just finished her freshman year at Boise State, asked me to get coffee. Suzannah shared how God had been working in her life this summer and showing her that He has been leading her, even through disappointments and struggles, to a place of knowing His love more deeply and trusting Him with her future. Being a part of a community of so many different types of people collectively desiring to know Jesus and make Him known has made her eager to keep growing when she returns to her campus. Also, participating in successful evangelism (see definition above) has grown her in her intentionally and authenticity in sharing Jesus with others. This summer has confirmed in her a desire to return to Idaho and eventually Germany (where she recently studied abroad), to share the grace, joy, and peace of the gospel with her friends.

Praise God for Suzannah and the other 46 students from all over the U.S. (Florida, Alaska, Arizona, Montana, California, etc.) who took the initiative to use their summers in this way! Pray that God would bless and use them to share His love as they return to their campuses. Thank you for praying for and investing in these students’ lives and partnering with us in this ministry! We’re grateful for you! 


  • Pray for the start of the school year!  All of our Sacramento campuses begin the week of August 26!  Pray for Cameron and the staff to have energy as they meet students and have spiritual conversations during fall launch.
  • Pray for all of the students stepping on campus! Pray they would see their need for Jesus and experience the good news of hope and life in the gospel. 
  • Pray for the start of Cameron’s dorm Bible Study. Pray that many students would come and learn to study God’s word and discover Jesus. 
  • Please pray for energy, health, and grace for our family! Pray for each of us as we settle into rhythms of work, play, and rest Pray that we would point each other to Jesus daily!