A Stunning Realization

Joan, a transfer student from Vietnam

Joan, a transfer student from Vietnam

Joan, a Vietnamese transfer student, shared with Anna (an intern with Cru) about the struggles of making friends and finding her place in Davis. It’s a common story, but Joan (pronounced Jo-Ann) mentioned something we rarely hear: “I go to the church, and it makes me feel better.” Her face lit up as she described all the rituals she does at church and the good things she’s done in her life.

Anna and Joan talked about God’s love for us as his creation and his desire to be in a relationship with us. “I talk to Him all the time!” Joan beamed. Anna proceeded to explain our sinful nature, and with a furrowed brow, Joan agreed that no human is perfect. But, she thought we as humans could do a lot of good things to fix our wrong standing with God.

When Anna opened her Bible and began reading the beginning of Romans 6:23, Joan’s grin disappeared. “For the wages of sin is death…” After even one sin, our record is stained. None of Joan’s rituals and right living could bring her back into a relationship with Christ. Anna again asked how she could come back into a right relationship with God.

“It’s impossible. There’s no way.” Her eyes welled up with tears. Joan truly understood the depth of her sin for the first time and felt the desperation of a life apart from Christ.

“But there’s hope, Joan! That’s what Jesus came for!” Anna was able to share with Joan how God loves her SO much that He chose to pay the highest price, His own son, to connect with her again. She was struck by the grace of God to forgive her record of sin, and Christ’s desire for a relationship with her.

Joan immediately accepted Christ’s sacrifice for her. “Everything is different now,” she exclaimed.

Thank you for helping students like Joan accept Jesus’ incredible invitation of life with him! And thank you for your prayers.  Nearly one student per week has chosen to place their trust in Christ this quarter!

We pray that you also would experience the joy of God sending his son for you during this Christmas season.  Merry Christmas!

Prayer Requests

Praise God for his relentless pursuit of Joan Pray for her to continue to grow in her faith in community.

Pray for our Winter Conference on December 28-January 1st.  600+ students will gather to learn about, grow in, and serve the Lord.

Praise God for his incredible gift of marriage! We are getting ready to celebrate 2 years of marriage on January 7.  We are so thankful to partner together in life.