A Summer Well Spent

Kaitlyn (fourth from the left in the front) with her summer mission team to Japan

Kaitlyn (fourth from the left in front row, and shown with Cam below) didn’t expect to go back overseas with Cru. She had gone to Central Asia in 2022 for a summer mission, but the rest of her summers have been slotted for taking classes and nursing school applications. However, at Cru’s Winter Conference this January, Kaitlyn felt like God was calling her to go again this summer.

In May, Kaitlyn joined with 13 other college students from around the US to go to Kyoto, Japan for 5 weeks.  While there, Kaitlyn’s team went to Japanese Universities, built friendships with students, and had intentional spiritual conversations with them. Below is Kaitlyn’s description of one such conversation: 

“I had sukiyaki for dinner with another friend this week! Even though her English was not as advanced, we had a fun time getting to know each other through broken English and Google translate. We had a great conversation as to what the true meaning of Christmas and Easter is and I was able to share the gospel with her!! She became super curious to learn more and wanted to come visit Student Impact [Cru’s name in Japan], but she is scared to become a believer because of persecution here in Japan.”

Kaitlyn has returned already, but she is continuing to learn from her experience: 

“My trip to Japan has been such an amazing experience where I saw God work in the hearts of Japanese students along with transforming my heart to grow more compassionate for the unreached. I was reminded that He is a God of all nations and that He isn’t just working in the lives of people in America but also in the lives of people in Japan. Though there are few Christians in Japan He is still working to open their eyes to see who He is and I hope that He continues to send me out into the plentiful harvest. It has been so inspiring to see how Christians in Japan are ministering to students and it has encouraged me to be more bold and courageous to spread the gospel to people in America.”

I am so grateful for Kaitlyn and the privilege it is to walk alongside her during her college years.  She has helped lead Bible studies at Sac State, helped launch Epic (a Cru ministry to Asian-American students), gone on mission trips, and learned to share her faith.

Thank you for investing in students like her and the impact she will make for Christ at Sac State and beyond!


  • Pray for Kaitlyn and the other students who went to Japan this summer. Pray God would continue to work in and through them as they return to their campuses!
  • Pray for the students they met, that God would water the seeds planted!
  • Pray for Jeff and his team as they do the hard work necessary to make Cru’s apps, websites, and platforms function well.  
  • Pray for our family to savor the summer and the change in rhythms.  
  • Pray for Cameron’s trainings at the Lake Tahoe Summer Mission. She will be training around 50 students July 18-19.