“Can I Come With You to Church Tonight?”


“Kaylyn, can I come with you to church tonight?”

Kaylyn (right) had invited Jillian to church numerous times, but she had always declined.  It was Jillian’s first time ever attending church, even though she had been exposed to the idea of God and His existence.  She had no idea what to expect, but as the pastor explained the message of the Gospel and having a relationship with Jesus, she knew it was what she needed.  The pastor invited people ready to make a decision to come forward, but instead Jillian turned to Kaylyn and they moved to the back of the room.  Kaylyn could hardly believe what was happening, but right then she had the opportunity to help Jillian ask Christ into her life!

Their relationship began about a year ago when they both came to UCI to audition for the dance department to be accepted to the program.  When they arrived, they were the first people to meet each other.  They talked for a little while and then, right before going in for the audition, Kaylyn turned to Jillian and asked if she could pray for them.  To Kaylyn it was just a simple prayer, but Jillian was very impacted and felt a strong sense of safety and connection with this new friend.  They left that day unsure if they would ever see each other again.

It was no coincidence that they both showed up to UCI in the fall and had been assigned to live not only in the same dorm, but in the same suite!  The two reconnected and developed a friendship.  Although Jillian was not ready to be open to God, Kaylyn continued to invite her to church each week.  Through the year, Jillian’s relationship with her roommate has become increasingly strained and the stress was causing her to question her purpose and meaning.  She had not forgotten that day when Kaylyn had prayed with her and knew that she went to church every Sunday.  Jillian was at her end and reached out for the first person she knew that had a strong relationship with God.

Since the night Jillian placed her faith in Christ, she has been going every week with Kaylyn to a Campus Crusade bible study led by one of our staff members, Ashleigh.  Ashleigh says it’s amazing to see Jillian’s excitement for growth and her eagerness to develop her relationship with God in community with others.   It’s so encouraging to see what God has done in Jillian’s life and the ways He has used Kaylyn’s steps of faith to bring her friend to Christ.  So exciting!

Thank you so much for your partnership in reaching students like Jillian for Christ!

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