Part of reaching every college student with the gospel involves having a Christian presence on every campus. With movements everywhere, everyone will know someone who truly follows Jesus!
In light of that, our team has been working in partnership with a local church in Rocklin, CA to launch a ministry at Sierra College, a community college in Placer County. It has more than 15,000 students, but little ministry presence.
This semester, a Cru staff member on Cam’s team, Steven, has been working with a local pastor to gather students on Thursdays and study the book of John (pictured above). “What began with one committed student and a college pastor has grown to a dozen students! We were encouraged when one week we realized that one table was not enough anymore, and we had to scramble to get more chairs!”
One first year student, Josiah, is a missionary kid who grew up in Japan. Now he’s in the US for college and eager to find a place to belong and to share his faith.
Another student, Alex (in the purple hoodie above) came to the Bible study last month for the first time. He shared with a bit of nervous excitement that this was the first Bible study he had ever been to!
Pray for this group of students as they get to know each other and grow in their faith. Pray that those who are young in their faith would be grounded in the gospel, and that all our student would be equipped to share Christ with their friends and classmates!
Pray also for our partnership with the local church: for clear communication, wisdom in decision-making, and faith in what God has called us to!
Praise God for His continual work in students’ lives and specifically the group at Sierra College!
Pray for our team and our students as we prepare for break and Cru’s Winter Conference over MLK weekend.
Pray for Cameron’s Bible studies, that her students would grow in their love of God and His word.
Pray for our family to treasure Jesus and each other this holiday season. Pray for our health and time spent with family!