Category Archives: Photos

Year-End Wrap-Up

In May and June, campuses in Sacramento and Davis wrapped up their terms, and with the close of another school year, our team spent time reflecting on God’s work in our midst and celebrating together. Thank you for investing in these students and partnering with us in all that God did this year! Here are some highlights:

Aurora and Jade: Aurora, a freshman student at Sac State (pictured above in orange next to Cam), found us during a Welcome Week event in August when she and her boyfriend, Javin, were walking by. Both of them got involved in our Monday night small group and started learning how to share Christ with others. 

Beyond just getting into spiritual conversations with other students on campus, Aurora began initiating with her friend, Jade, to talk about Jesus. All year long, Aurora asked the Monday night group to pray for Jade and to pray for wisdom in how to answer Jade’s questions about Christianity. Talking with friends about the gospel is often more nerve-racking than with strangers at school! 

This spring, God’s work in Jade’s heart became evident, as she spiritually opened up more and more. She started asking deeper questions and wanting to understand why Jesus’ life and message are such good news. At the beginning of April, the week before Easter, she finally accepted Aurora’s invitation to come with her to church.  Through that service and her many talks with Aurora, Jade decided to place her faith in Christ!  

Since then, Jade has been regularly going to church with Aurora and learning about her new life in Jesus! Pray for Jade as she continues in her new relationship with the Lord, learning and growing in him. 

Students taking steps in evangelism. Most of our students learned how to share their faith and had opportunities to put it into practice. A dozen of them shared Christ for the first time this year!

5 new brothers and sisters in Christ! Aside from Jade, we saw other students indicate decisions for Christ through the evangelistic efforts of our students. Pray for these students to also grow in their new relationships with the Lord. 

2 new launched ministries. In our goals to reach every student on every campus, we try to launch multiple groups on campuses to focus on reaching different pockets of students. This year, the Lord brought together leaders to start Epic (a ministry to Asian-American students) at Sac State and Destino (a ministry to Latino students and faculty) at UC Davis. Pray that God would reach every student with the good news of Jesus and overcome cultural barriers! 

Students discipling students. As a result of rebuilding post-COVID, this year the Lord raised up student leaders who can disciple and lead other students, helping them walk with God and share their faith.  He is multiplying our impact! 


  • Praise God for all that He did this year!
  • Pray for our students to grow in their relationships with God over summer break.   
  • Pray for God to be working in the hearts of students we will meet this year!
  • Pray for our family to daily draw close to the Lord and be shaped by Him. Pray that we would be refreshed!

Easter Conversations

Cameron and Kaitlyn (middle left) engage with students at UC Davis during the Easter outreach

During the week prior to Easter, I (Cameron) got to take Kaitlyn, a Sac State student to UC Davis for an Easter outreach (pictured above). The Davis Cru staff and students hid Easter eggs with candy all over campus, and students who found the eggs could enter in a raffle. When the egg finders visited the table we asked about what Easter meant to them. The answers we heard varied: Easter is “a time to eat candy,”  “the Easter bunny,” “a time to be with family,” “go to church,” etc.  

When Jade approached the table and answered that she’s not religious, I wanted to know more. Jade’s parents are atheists and her only exposure to Christianity was when she went to a friend’s youth group without her parents knowing. Jade went on to explain that she believes in some sort of higher connection and power, but one that comes from within and is self-discovered.  

After sharing my own journey of spiritually seeking and encountering Jesus, I was able share how through belief in Jesus, I also believe in a power within me—the Holy Spirit. This common ground gave me the opportunity to share how an all powerful and good God that is far outside us could make His home in our hearts. 

Jade’s views of God didn’t change in that moment, but she shared that her view of Christians did. Having an honest, loving, open conversation about faith altered some of her previous negative views of Christians. It is a great joy to see someone place their trust in Christ, but we also celebrate each little step closer someone takes to being able to believe the good news.

Please pray for Jade and others like her, that God would put believers in their lives who will share the good news in grace and truth. Pray they would hear and respond!


  • Pray for those who participated in the Easter outreach, that many students at Davis would hear the good news of Jesus and turn to Him.
  • Pray for God to use our student leaders’ steps of faith, especially in sharing the gospel. 
  • Pray that we finish the school year well and send students equipped for summer break!
  • Please pray for our family to get and stay healthy! Pray for us and our kids to draw closer to Jesus every day!  

Ripples of Winter Conference

Juan (left) came home from Winter Conference with a newfound passion to share the gospel with others

“I want to share my faith more.  Specifically, I want to talk with my parents about the gospel.  I’ve been avoiding it until now, but I really want them to know Jesus!” 

Juan (above left), a student at American River College (ARC), shared that takeaway with Steven, a Cru staff member, after this year’s Winter Conference in SoCal. 

As the only student from his school who would attend, which meant he didn’t know anyone else, Juan took a huge step of faith even by simply going. God honored that faith, and for Juan it was a weekend full of learning, challenges, and growth!

God used the speakers to remind him of the good news of Jesus and challenge him to live a life on mission. He got to experience a Day of Outreach by going out into the community to share his faith alongside other students from Sacramento, San Jose, and the Inland Empire. And he soaked up as much as he could from all the seminars and break out times!

Juan is coming back from the conference and starting the semester encouraged in his faith and excited to share the gospel with others! As a result of the conference, he is also applying to join a summer mission trip this year and wants to see more students come to know Jesus back at ARC. 

Pray for Juan and all the students who went to Winter Conference, that the ripples of what they learned and the steps of faith they take as a result would impact families, campuses, workplaces, and nations for eternity!  


Praise God for His continual work in students’ lives! 

Pray for Juan, that God would use him to bring the gospel to his family and campus. Pray that his parents would hear the good news of Jesus and turn to Him! 

Pray for our upcoming outreach at Sac State, March 6-9.

Pray for our family to get into some normal rhythms as a family of 6!

Fall Retreat 2022

Cru students from Sacramento and Davis

here’s something about getting away that makes space for the Lord to work in our lives! Our fall retreat last month was no different. Cru students from Sacramento and Davis “roughed it” in Georgetown with no wifi or cell signal, spending the weekend in community and in the Word. 

Through extended time with the Lord, enjoying God’s creation, fellowshipping together, and learning about our identities in Christ, God used the few days away to impact the lives of our students!

Cherish is a freshman at Sacramento State that got involved with Cru this semester through one of our student leaders, Kaitlyn. She came with us to fall retreat and really connected with the main speaker’s talks that weekend! An international missions director within Cru spoke about how Christ transforms our lives in terms of Belonging, Believing, Becoming, and Blessing.  

Cherish was struck by what the gospel says about who we are in Christ and how we are called to live for God and bless others. She was further encouraged by our Saturday afternoon session on how to share her faith using Cru’s GodTools app (available for free on iOS/Android). For many students these messages were a springboard into God’s mission, locally and internationally. 

Flowing out of the weekend, we are running 3-week evangelism workshops at Sac State for students (including Cherish) who want to learn how to engage others with the gospel! Pray that God uses the training to open doors for many Jesus-focused conversations in the upcoming Christmas season!


  • Praise God for using fall retreat in the lives of Cherish and others! 
  • Pray for the evangelism workshops on campus and that they would lead to students having more fruitful gospel conversations.

Dating, Trash, and Jesus

Kaitlyn (left) and Tina (right) share a meal in Central Asia

“I never would have thought silly conversations about dating and trash would lead to spiritual conversations, but God did!

Kaitlyn recently returned with a team of Cru students after spending 4 weeks in Central Asia serving alongside the local missionaries to share the gospel with Muslim natives.  

One of the first people Kaitlyn met was a girl named Tina (renamed), who grew up in a largely non-religious home, but is exploring Islam. While Tina seemed open about lots of things, she didn’t seem very interested in talking more about religion. However, Kaitlyn soon found that God could use her story, even a past dating relationship, to pique Tina’s interest. During dinner one evening, Kaitlyn, her teammate Julia, and Tina started talking about boys. When Kaitlyn shared about a guy she had dated from church in high school, the conversation quickly led to church, faith, religion, and Jesus. While Tina didn’t place her trust in Christ, God used Kaitlyn and Julia’s conversation with her to open the door for local believers to stay in contact with her and share the good news.  

Some days later, while her team was preparing for an outdoor outreach, Kaitlyn decided her leftover pasta from lunch wouldn’t last the day’s activities. She headed toward the trash to throw away the carton, and heard a local girl say “In my religion, throwing away food is a sin.” Kaitlyn immediately asked about her friend’s religion, which led to a conversation about Islam and who Jesus is. Is he a prophet, or is he the ultimate sacrifice for our sins? Again, Kaitlyn was amazed by God’s ability to use seemingly insignificant moments for his significant plans.  

Kaitlyn was deeply impacted by the faith of the local followers of Jesus and encouraged by their boldness to share their faith despite harsh persecution. She is eager to bring back the lessons and boldness she learned to be a light in her home community and on her campus at Sac State.  

Thank you for your incredible and generous investment in the lives of students like Kaitlyn and the communities they will impact! We are grateful for you! 

Prayer Requests

  • Praise the Lord for his work through Kaitlyn and the Central Asia team.
  • Pray for Tina and the 18+ others who had spiritual conversations and heard about Jesus. Pray they would turn to Jesus as Lord.
  • Pray that God would bless and strengthen the local believers in Central Asia, and that Jesus would be known!
  • Please pray for the start to fall semester and that God would give us energy and favor in our different roles in ministry.  
  • Pray that many students would hear and turn to Jesus this year on our campuses. 
  • Pray for our family to adjust to new schedules and routines and stay healthy in this season. 
  • Pray for Cameron and baby’s health and upcoming delivery. 

A Friend Who Talks of Jesus

Brielle (right) with her sorority sisters at her seeker’s bible study

“I think Jesus can be whoever we want him to be.”  

Brielle’s sorority sisters each chimed in with who they thought Jesus is or was. Each of these women had come from different spiritual backgrounds. But they all had something in common— Brielle, a friend who invited them to talk about Jesus. 

A senior at Sac State, Brielle approached our Cru table last semester asking how she could get involved. Her mom had been involved with Cru when she was in college, and Brielle recognized our name right away! She immediately joined our training times and learned how to share her faith with others.  

Brielle is also involved in a sorority on campus, Delta Gamma. Through her involvement in Cru, God has grown her desire to share Jesus with her sisters and others in the Greek system before she graduates.  

So, this semester Brielle took a step to faith to start a seeker’s Bible study on Sunday evenings. Sisters from Delta Gamma and other sororities have been gathering together for a meal and exploring topics of faith such as, “What is the meaning and purpose of life?” and, “Who is Jesus?”.

While many of these women come from unchurched backgrounds and have very little Bible knowledge, it is our prayer that those who come would find a safe place to explore Jesus and the Bible. We are also praying that the seeds planted through Brielle’s faith steps would turn into greater ministry opportunities in the Greek system in years to come. 

Thank you for partnering with us and the work God is doing in and through students like Brielle!   

You are a gift to us and these students! 


Praise God for Brielle and how God is leading her!  Pray that God would use her final months on campus in big ways! 

Pray for the DG women and others who are coming to the seeker’s study. Pray that Jesus would captivate the with his truth and love.

Pray that the Lord would raise up more followers of Jesus in the Greek system, and for the gospel to impact each person there. 

Please pray for all of our students to take faith steps to share Jesus with their friends and classmates during the next few weeks leading to Easter. 

Thanks for praying for Winter Conference! We will share more about it in our next update.

“Were You Sharing the Gospel with Those Students?”

Malik, a student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, shares his vision for reaching his campus.

Carla, an intern with Cru in Central Florida, and her team walked onto campus at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach with a purpose. They hoped to find students who desired to tell their fellow students about Jesus and would actually take action to do so.

They asked student after student, “We’re here looking for students who love Jesus and would say that they’re passionate about telling others about him in a way that makes people want to listen. Does that describe you?”

Her first day on campus, Carla eventually approached a student named Malik (see picture above) with this question. Malik said that described him, and invited Carla and her teammate, Chris, into his dorm.

Carla and Chris shared more about their vision of finding a student who would share the gospel and make disciples through spiritual multiplication (Matthew 28:18-20 and 2 Timothy 2:2). In turn, Malik shared his vision graphically (see picture). To help him accomplish his vision, they guided Malik through a tool that explains the gospel called Knowing God Personally, which he could share with others.

Soon afterward, Carla was meeting with another student in the student union. She looked in the distance and saw Malik approaching a group of students. It looked like he was sharing the gospel.

“Were you sharing the gospel with those students?” Carla asked Malik afterward.

He was. In fact, Malik said he had gone from table to table of students in the student union with the hopes of sharing the gospel using the Knowing God Personally tool, a tool that he had just learned!

“I was blown away by his faithfulness and willingness to go and interact with strangers on campus to share the good news with them.”

Praise God that he has already raised up students like Malik who will be bold and share the gospel with anyone and everyone, friend and stranger alike!

Thank you for your partnership in raising up spiritual multipliers!


Praise God that he has raised up Malik to share the gospel with fellow students at his university!

Pray that God would raise up many students like Malik in Northern California and Nevada and that our team would be to find them, even when campuses are all virtual.

Continue to pray for our digital missions to Central Asia and for the Lord to raise up a team to go in person this summer.

Please pray for our family and our team to remain healthy, to battle against COVID (and zoom) weariness, and stay connected with our respective communities.  

Please pray for continued joy as our family learns and grows together.  We are loving being a family of 5.  The house is rarely quiet!

(Modified) Ministry Goes On

A church’s young adults group learns how to have spiritual conversations and share the gospel with their friends every Sunday night, and then puts into practice what they’ve learned with their friends over text and FaceTime!

Nearly everyone is feeling the effects of COVID-19. One of the lifestyle changes has been the cancellation of events. Ministry to college students and young adults, however, hasn’t stopped. Just as classes have moved online, so has our ministry.

In February, a church in a Sacramento suburb (Elk Grove) asked us to train their young adults in evangelism. When the governor mandated that California shelter-in-place, it was clear that we would have to modify our training to be “Zoom friendly”.

Each Sunday night, our team teaches these young adults a new skill to point people to Jesus. During the week, each of these 16 students put what they’ve learned into practice primarily through texts and FaceTime with their friends. Ministry is happening through students and young adults who don’t have to leave their homes!

This pandemic has surfaced major fears and anxiety about life and death, and the quarantine has provided space to address the questions students have. Our involved students and young adults are enjoying meaningful conversations with others who happen to be all along the spiritual spectrum.

We’re excited to see the fruit that God brings that may not have happened without the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you so much for being part of bringing people hope and peace in the midst of such unprecedented times!


Pray for fruitfulness for students and young adults as they reach out virtually to their non-believing friends. Pray that believing students would lean into the peace that the Lord brings in the midst of uncertainty, and that non-believers would place their hope in Jesus.

Pray for us as we continue to adjust to being a family of five. The kids are doing well overall, but life is currently so far from normal for them. It’s hard for 4-year olds and 2-year olds to understand why they can’t see their friends or even do the normal things they do throughout the week. Abby, while persistently joyful even the midst of lots of recent changes, has felt the loss emotionally.

All of us (you as well) are experiencing loss in some ways. Pray that the Lord would use this time to refine our character and deepen our dependence on him.

Igniting the Church in Evangelism

Scott, a student at University of Nevada Reno, has trained his college group at church to share the gospel at UNR.

“You should talk to Scott,” said Pastor Jason said to Lucas. Little did Pastor Jason know that Scott would soon be training 12 other students from his church’s college group on how to share their faith.

Our Cru staff team traveled to Reno at the beginning of the fall semester to find students at the University of Nevada Reno (UNR) who had a heart to reach their campus. One of our staff members, Lucas, met with Pastor Jason at his church, who connected him with Scott.

Scott had previously been involved with Cru at San Jose State before transferring to UNR. He had been frustrated by the lack of evangelism happening on campus and was excited that Cru was seeking to reach UNR with the gospel. The same day they met up, Lucas trained Scott to have meaningful conversations about faith with his friends and classmates.

Scott’s vision is to work with his already-existing college group at church in order to mobilize them to reach students at UNR who don’t know Jesus. A few months after meeting Lucas, Scott had gotten the green light from his pastor to share his vision for campus evangelism at an upcoming college group meeting. 

“It would be great to have you come up and do a training,” Scott told Lucas.

“What if you did the training?” Lucas suggested.

“Well, I guess, yeah I could do it,” responded Scott.

Immediately, Lucas took some time to walk Scott through training curriculum that Scott could use to teach his college group on how to have evangelistic conversations on campus. Within a few weeks, Scott had trained his college group. The students are now pairing up to practice sharing their faith on campus with other students.

Please pray that the Lord would use Scott and his college group to bring the gospel to many at UNR!

Thank you so much for partnering with us to train students to share the gospel who will then train others to share the gospel!


Pray that UNR would be reached with the gospel through many more students like Scott.

Pray that churches all over California and Nevada would be equipped to reach out to high school and college students around them.

Pray that our team would be able to train 10 churches this semester on how to have personal ministries of evangelism.

Pray for our family as we soon welcome our son into our family. Please pray for a healthy delivery, sweet time together, and a smooth transition. 

Hunter’s Way of Life

Hunter (middle left) with 4 of the guys in his Gospel of Mark bible study

“Hey, what do you think about Jesus?”

Hunter, a student at FLC, has had his life changed by Jesus. He grew up in church, but started living the party lifestyle, and realized he needed to get out of it by the grace of God. He went to church and met with the pastor, and eventually started walking with Jesus.

“Jesus has totally changed the trajectory of my life.” Hunter isn’t complacent with Jesus only changing his life though. “I want to make Jesus available to everyone.”

Hunter is great at making friends. Whether it’s at school, at work, or with the high school basketball team that he trains, Hunter wants to give everyone the opportunity to know Jesus. With such a huge desire to make Jesus known, all Hunter really needed was someone to model what it looked like to share his faith and then some coaching. This happened through one of our Cru staff members, Jill.

“I never knew how easy it is to share my faith until I saw Jill do it.”

Hunter is constantly starting spiritual conversations with his friends using the training that he received from Jill. After finishing a pick-up game of basketball that he invited his friends to, he asked them, “Hey, you guys know that I go to church. What’s your spiritual background?” He listened to their responses, and then asked, “What do you guys think about Jesus?” After listening some more, he asked if he could share what the Bible says about Jesus, sharing the gospel with them.

In response, his friends began asking questions about Jesus, so Hunter started an investigative Bible study through the book of Mark. 11 guys started coming and 6 of them ended up sticking around. All 6 of them have decided to follow Jesus.

Elsewhere, while with the local high school basketball team, he started talking to individual people on the team. Adam and Erick had similar stories as Hunter, growing up somewhat in church and getting lost in the party scene. After Hunter shared the gospel with them, they soon decided to rededicate their lives to Jesus. Hunter is mentoring them in the foundations of the faith, and they are sharing the gospel with their coworkers. Adam has even started a small group bible study with them going through the book of Mark.

Hunter has made sharing about Jesus a way of life, and God is using him in mighty ways!

Thank you so much for helping students like Hunter share the gospel wherever they go.


Thank God for the work he has done in and through Hunter’s life!  Pray that God would continue to use Hunter and bless him in sharing the gospel. 

Pray that God would grow others to take the gospel to their campuses, friends, and communities .

Pray for our team to be refreshed and fruitful in ministry and life!

Please pray for our family (and team) to stay healthy during this cold and flu season.