“We’re looking for students who love God and want to share Jesus with classmates. Do you know anyone like that at Yuba College?”
“Yes, me!” Mason replied.
Lucas met Mason on a Tuesday while our staff team was spending the week at Yuba College and asking students the above question. Lucas sat down with Mason the next day to talk about what it means to be an ambassador for Christ at Yuba College. Little did he know that he’d become a spiritual multiplier that very same day.
After they brainstormed some ways to reach the campus, Lucas asked, “What if we go share the gospel with someone right now?” Mason enthusiastically agreed.
Lucas and Mason walked up to the first two students they saw on campus and asked if they would be interested in talking about life and spirituality. Daniel and Devon were open, so Lucas and Mason sat down to listen to some of their story using a short spiritual interest survey. Daniel and Devon indicated at the end of the survey that they had a high desire to know God personally.
Lucas and Mason began to share the gospel using the “Knowing God Personally” gospel presentation through the GodTools app. It was pretty evident that they had never heard the gospel before, but they were intrigued and drawn to the message of grace and love through Jesus. At the end of the conversation, Lucas asked, “Do you guys want to put your trust in Jesus to bring you into a relationship with God?”
“Yes!” they both responded.
Mason is already planning to regularly meet up with Daniel and Devon to equip them in their new faith. Our staff team is excited to be able to coach Mason as he continues to take steps of faith, both with mentoring Daniel and Devon and also seeking to reach the rest of his campus alongside others.
Pray that God would lead us to more spiritual multipliers all over the Sacramento area and beyond who want to reach their campuses.
Thank you for your generous partnership and investment in the spiritual lives of students on college campuses in Sacramento and beyond! We are so grateful for you!
Our team is busy at the start of the fall semester searching for students who want to multiply their lives so that every student on every campus can hear the gospel. In the fall semester, we’re hoping to visit 13 campuses to surface leaders. Would you please pray that God would lead us to these students on every campus?
Pray that God would greatly use students on campuses to be part of proclaiming his message of redemption.
Pray for more partnerships with churches in our area so that we can work together to reach every student.
Please pray for our team and family’s health as we enter the fall and start new routines.