Amy decided to place her trust in Jesus!
“My friends all grew up Christian, but I didn’t know anything about it,” said Amy (left), a bubbly 2nd year student. Curious, because of conversations with a friend named Kenny who had begun to explore Christianity this past summer, Amy followed Kenny to a bible study that I (Jeff) am helping lead this year.
Afterward, Brittany (below, right), a 3rd year animal science major who is co-leading the study, met with Amy to follow up her experience. Brittany had been a bit nervous to lead Bible study this year, but has been trusting that the Lord will use her. During their meeting, Brittany explained the big picture of the Bible. But, after discussing Amy’s spiritual background, they quickly ran out of time, and Amy eagerly agreed to meet up again.
This time, Brittany invited a Cru staff member named Anna to accompany her for their second meeting. It was Brittany, however, who eagerly shared the gospel with Amy while Anna listened joyfully. Asked if she had ever let Jesus into her life, Amy responded, “I feel like I’ve been interacting with Jesus, but I’ve never actually prayed.” After a few more questions, Amy was ready to surrender her life to Jesus, and prayed quietly to receive him into her life.

It was Brittany’s first time seeing God use her to bring someone to faith!
By this time, both Brittany and Amy had to leave for class. Brittany, however, had a huge smile on her face; this was the first time she had seen the Lord use her to bring someone to faith in Christ!
Brittany and Amy plan on meeting up regularly to help ground her in her new faith in Christ with some of the basics. Yet, we can already see evidence of how God is moving in Amy. Just a few days after Amy decided to trust Jesus, she attended our bible study, where some of the students were discussing fear that keeps them from sharing their faith with those around them. After listening for a while, Amy piped up.
“If Brittany and Anna hadn’t explained the gospel to me last week, I wouldn’t have a relationship with God! I was just waiting to know.” She then proceeded for the next five minutes to exhort the other students to share their faith!
How amazing! Thank you so much for helping enable students to reach their fellow students!
Clay Update
This quarter has been a busy one! Between Fall Launch, helping follow-up 1400 students who filled out contact cards in exchange for free water bottles, helping lead our separate Bible Studies, and the many conferences and retreats that happen in the fall, our weeks have been full of intense ministry! It has been fun, busy, exhausting, and fruitful!
Jeff has loved getting to teach at our Cru weekly meetings, which he will do more of in winter quarter. He’s also enjoyed the work involved in his seminary class that develops him further for his work on campus.
Cameron has started meeting with 3 groups of girls weekly to help them grow in being disciples of Christ. She has also spoken in front of 4 sororities and 1 fraternity about a prayer group that we’re starting to serve the Greek Community at Davis. 19 students have indicated an interest in the group!
We are looking forward to what this year has in store for us, both personally and in ministry!
Prayer Requests
Pray for Amy, that she would grow in knowledge of and relationship with Christ.
Pray for continued energy for us to finish the quarter well, refreshment over holiday breaks, and for our momentum for the start of winter quarter.
Praise God for the access He’s given us to the fraternities and sororities! Pray that many students would join our Greek Community prayer group and be strengthened in their witness to their fraternities and sororities.
Pray for God to raise up male leaders.
Praise God (and pray) for the 10 students who have placed their trust in Christ this quarter!