“I never would have thought silly conversations about dating and trash would lead to spiritual conversations, but God did!“
Kaitlyn recently returned with a team of Cru students after spending 4 weeks in Central Asia serving alongside the local missionaries to share the gospel with Muslim natives.
One of the first people Kaitlyn met was a girl named Tina (renamed), who grew up in a largely non-religious home, but is exploring Islam. While Tina seemed open about lots of things, she didn’t seem very interested in talking more about religion. However, Kaitlyn soon found that God could use her story, even a past dating relationship, to pique Tina’s interest. During dinner one evening, Kaitlyn, her teammate Julia, and Tina started talking about boys. When Kaitlyn shared about a guy she had dated from church in high school, the conversation quickly led to church, faith, religion, and Jesus. While Tina didn’t place her trust in Christ, God used Kaitlyn and Julia’s conversation with her to open the door for local believers to stay in contact with her and share the good news.
Some days later, while her team was preparing for an outdoor outreach, Kaitlyn decided her leftover pasta from lunch wouldn’t last the day’s activities. She headed toward the trash to throw away the carton, and heard a local girl say “In my religion, throwing away food is a sin.” Kaitlyn immediately asked about her friend’s religion, which led to a conversation about Islam and who Jesus is. Is he a prophet, or is he the ultimate sacrifice for our sins? Again, Kaitlyn was amazed by God’s ability to use seemingly insignificant moments for his significant plans.
Kaitlyn was deeply impacted by the faith of the local followers of Jesus and encouraged by their boldness to share their faith despite harsh persecution. She is eager to bring back the lessons and boldness she learned to be a light in her home community and on her campus at Sac State.
Thank you for your incredible and generous investment in the lives of students like Kaitlyn and the communities they will impact! We are grateful for you!
Prayer Requests
- Praise the Lord for his work through Kaitlyn and the Central Asia team.
- Pray for Tina and the 18+ others who had spiritual conversations and heard about Jesus. Pray they would turn to Jesus as Lord.
- Pray that God would bless and strengthen the local believers in Central Asia, and that Jesus would be known!
- Please pray for the start to fall semester and that God would give us energy and favor in our different roles in ministry.
- Pray that many students would hear and turn to Jesus this year on our campuses.
- Pray for our family to adjust to new schedules and routines and stay healthy in this season.
- Pray for Cameron and baby’s health and upcoming delivery.