Destiny’s Date with Destiny

Cru staff member Taiko (left) with freshman Destiny.

Cru staff member Taiko (left) with freshman Destiny.

“What is Christianity?” Destiny (on the right in the picture) asked Taiko (left) last month as she leaned across the table. “Is it more than just being a good person?”

Destiny, a biology major from Dinuba, CA, is one of the hundreds of UCD freshmen who filled out a Cru contact card last September in exchange for a free water bottle. Like many others, she was then contacted about a Cru dorm Bible study.

While Destiny didn’t come to any of our Bible studies in the fall, she did attend our Halloween social with her roommates where she carved a pumpkin and met other students involved in Cru.

Taiko, a member of our staff team, remembers meeting Destiny. Yet, after that social, Destiny didn’t attend any other events in the fall. Taiko honestly thought that she wouldn’t see Destiny again.

However, to Taiko’s surprise, Destiny showed up to the first Bible study of winter quarter! And even more surprising, Destiny asked if Taiko would mentor her and teach her more about God. Wanting to make spirituality a priority, Destiny had arranged her winter quarter schedule so that she had Tuesday nights free for Bible study.

During their first mentorship meeting, Destiny shared that all her life she had felt unsatisfied with her spiritual beliefs (or lack thereof), but never thought to look for anything else until she met Taiko and others in Cru.

After talking for a bit, Taiko asked her if she wanted to know how to have a relationship with God. “I definitely do!” she said.

Taiko shared about God’s incredible love and the good news that we are saved by God’s grace through faith. Destiny’s response was to ask Jesus to be her Lord and Savior!

Since then, Destiny has been attending her dorm’s Bible study (it’s the first time she’s ever studied the Bible!), sincerely desires to follow Jesus, and is meeting with Taiko weekly to learn more about God.

Thanks for giving students like Destiny a chance to hear the Gospel and place their trust in Christ!

Prayer Requests

Praise God for drawing Destiny to himself and using Taiko to share his good news. Pray that she would continue to learn what it means to walk with Jesus on a daily basis.

Jeff’s grandfather, Jack, passed away on Sunday, February 2nd. Please pray for his family, especially Jack’s wife and two daughters (Jeff’s mom and aunt). We are in Southern California now for the funeral, and greatly appreciate your prayers.

Our Summer

We are excited to share that we will be helping lead the Santa Monica Summer Project this summer.  As the Operations Director, Jeff will manage the logistical and financial details while giving leadership to the staff and project.  Cameron will work closely with a group of girls, leading them in evangelism and discipleship.  Please pray for all of the students and staff who plan to be in Santa Monica this summer.