Fall Highlights

Fall marks lots of new beginnings in ministry on a college campus, including new students, new Bible studies, and new opportunities for gospel to go forth. Below are some highlights from the start of fall at Sac State. Thank you for your faithful partnership and prayers for all the ways God is at work!

Bible Studies

We would love to see every pocket of campus reached with the gospel, and one way we do that is by hosting Bible studies. On Monday nights, Andy, our student intern is leading 15+ students (above) through the book of Luke, and each week we have celebrated that more new students have come.  Additionally, on Thursday evenings, two of our student leaders, Evan and Kaitlyn, have been leading a culturally-specific study for students who identify with Asian American culture.  

We are also praying that God would allow for the re-launch of our ministry to sororities and fraternities this fall. Pray with us!

Evangelism Hour

Each week, we give our students opportunities to learn how to share their faith on campus, the context that they are most familiar with. Last week, I (Cameron) was joined by Victoria (above), a transfer student at Sac State, who is wanting to learn more about having spiritual conversations with her friends and classmates. We approached a girl studying on the quad, who turned out to be a follower of Jesus. She answered all of our questions and was encouraged that fellow believers were engaging in these conversations. As we walked away, Victoria’s response was “those questions were so easy!” 

While conversations are different with every student, we trust that God is working in those whom we approach, but also in our students as they see how easy it is to initiate spiritual conversations.

Faculty Prayer Times

One encouraging opportunity we’ve had as a ministry is to prayer walk Sac State’s campus with several of the faculty. These professors are living out their faith as they serve and care for their departments, fellow faculty, and their students. Last week, Cru’s ministry to faculty, Faculty Commons, partnered with these professors to hand out care packages to their departments. Afterwards, we prayed for more opportunities for God to reach these men and women. Our students have also been encouraged by witnessing the faith of these professors as they depend on the Lord in their workplace. Pictured above: Cameron with two other Cru staff members, a student with Cru, and a professor.

Prayer Requests

  • Praise God for the work he is doing in both our returning and new students’ lives!  
  • Please pray for our upcoming Fall Retreat on Oct. 21-23.  Pray for deepened relationships with the Lord and each other, and a greater fervor for reaching the lost!
  • Pray for ministry to the Greeks (sororities) to be launched again this semester. 
  • Pray for our family as we welcome baby girl this month!