“Thank you so much. I feel like a newborn child. It’s like something very heavy was removed from my shoulders already. Now I even feel the love of Jesus that I never experienced before. I just want to know everything about him.” – Patricia
How has COVID-19 affected overall interest spiritual matters? Short answer: it’s increased!
Just in May 2020 alone, 6.7 million people worldwide visited EveryStudent.com, a Cru website designed to virtually present the gospel to people seeking answers about life and God. When they visit the website, they can read articles and virtually correspond with a Christian. Over one million of the people who visited in May happened to be from Muslim or Communist countries, and of the 6.7 million people total, more than 106,000 people indicated that they made decisions to follow Jesus after visiting the site!
Here are some more quotes from people who have visited the website:
“I prayed and prayed and prayed…but was not able to get out of this addiction. I have read many other popular books. Thank you for your emails. I got my eyes open and power from our Heavenly Father. Now I can control everything with the Holy Spirit’s power.”– Anselm
“I’ve been receiving your spiritual starter kit messages and I just would like to say I really, really appreciate them. As a stressed out student, they are encouraging. I’m learning so much and I really feel like they are helping me develop my relationship with God. I cannot thank you enough for this.” – Dee
“I’m beginning to know about God and Jesus in a way I’d not known before. I am enjoying so much your pouring out the words of God with some very good examples. I always grin whenever I open the mail. Thanks.” – Charles
Thanks so much for your partnership that helps bring the gospel to so many people globally!
Prayer Requests
- The school year will start up this month, but it will look very different than normal. Pray for wisdom and for the Lord to move mightily, even if it looks different than if might have been in previous years.
- Pray for our students as they take classes virtually. Pray that the Lord would sustain them and also use them to share the gospel with others.
- Pray that we would be able to connect with many churches to help them grow in evangelism so that their church (and students) would be more equipped to reach the people around them.
- Please pray for energy, health, and grace for our family and staff team as we get into our fall routines. Pray that we would love God and each other well!