Some of the 13 staff and students helping pass out snacks to women looking for a sorority house to join.
Every year hundreds of UC Davis students participate in Rush Week, a week full of meet and greets, interviews, selection processes, and finally, induction ceremonies for each sorority house. This process usually includes girls walking from house to house in fancy outfits from early morning to late evening with few breaks for food or water!
This year, Cru wanted to bless these ladies who were searching for a community in Davis. We had about 13 Cru staff and students (above) help pass out snacks, mini water bottles, and a flyers letting the girls know that we were praying for them. The girls we met were so thankful for the goodies, and we loved being able to bless this group of women with whom we generally don’t get to interact because of their schedules!
Another aspect of Cru’s outreach to the Greek community has been to start a weekly gathering called Greek Life. I (Cameron) have been meeting with 5 women who are, will be, have been, or have close friends in a sorority on Wednesdays to study the Word, pray for their communities, and think through how to love their sorority sisters with the gospel.
It is so exciting to see how God has grown this ministry from last year’s weekly prayer time with one student into a budding ministry.
Thank you for partnering with us as we work to see Jesus known in all pockets of campus!
Prayer Requests
Please pray that God would grow Greek Life and our ministry to the Greek Community at UC Davis. Pray that many men and women would find life in Christ.
Please pray for our growing family! Pray that God would bless our marriage, baby’s growth, and all of our preparations! Please also pray that God would give us energy and leading in ministry.