Jose (3rd from the right) with some of his bible study leaders (Tyler on the far left, Cameron on the far right)
God is continuing to move at UC Davis.
During the first week on campus (late September), our students and staff handed out over 2,000 water bottles in exchange for spiritual interest surveys from other students. José, a freshman sociology major, received a water bottle that week and indicated he would like to talk to someone about his spiritual beliefs.
The next day Tyler, a junior student-leader, called José and set up an appointment to meet at a Starbucks on campus. José shared about growing up in a rough neighborhood in San Bernardino. Even though he had no spiritual background, he knew that God exists and that He has a plan for his life. “I wouldn’t be here at UC Davis if he didn’t,” Jose said. “I really shouldn’t be here.” Tyler then began to share the gospel. After discussing sin, it’s consequences, Jesus and a relationship with God, José understood the gospel and indicated a desire to have Christ in his life. But, he was not ready to surrender to someone he did not know much about. So, Tyler and José agreed to meet up once a week to continue this discussion and read the Bible together.
Several weeks later, José decided to come to Cru’s Fall Retreat with 120 other Davis students. Over the course of the weekend he bunked with other freshmen guys, dressed up for the annual ‘Thrift Store Prom’, talked with Tyler and others about Jesus, and heard several talks on how the gospel is worth surrendering everything. On Saturday night José took a walk around the camp to talk with Jesus. He told Jesus of his desire to surrender and of his uncertainty about what that looks like. He said, “If it takes me saying the words ‘I surrender’, then I surrender!”
Praise God for his pursuit of José! Tyler is now leading José through follow-up material, which talks about following Christ in daily life.
Prayer Requests
– Thank God for José and Angel, both of whom put their trust in Jesus at Fall Retreat.
– Pray that José and Angel would understand the depth of the Gospel and surrender more and more of their lives to Jesus.
– Pray for Crossroads, a conference from November 18-20 aimed to equip juniors and seniors to serve Christ wholeheartedly after college.
– Pray for Cameron and me, as we get married two months from today! Pray that we would serve each other sacrificially. Also pray for wedding preparations.
– Thank God that we get to go to Kauai for our honeymoon! God provided through a ministry partner. We’re super excited!