Josue Picks Up a Bible

God has been using Tyler (middle with glasses) in his roommate’s life!

“Can I read your Bible?” Josue asked Tyler just before Tyler left their dorm room. 

Tyler (pictured middle in glasses), a junior transfer studying English at Sac State, has been attending Cameron’s Bible study in the dorms all year. He has actively sought opportunities to grow in his walk with Jesus and in ministry while in Sacramento. Among things like learning how to share his faith, being trained in leading a Bible study, and participating in a discipleship group with Cru, Tyler has been engaging in “Prayer, Care, Share”, our most recent initiative to open doors for the gospel to reach friends and classmates. The intention of these 6 weeks is to actively pray for the people in our daily spheres, noticing where God might be at work in our lives and how he might use us. Then, we start looking for ways to serve and meet tangible needs of those same people, with the hope of loving as Jesus loves. Finally, we seek opportunities to share Jesus’ love by being curious, asking good questions, and engaging in spiritual conversations with our friends. Prayer, Care, Share will end with an event that students can invite their non-Christian friends to where four Christian professors at Sac State will be sharing about their faith in Christ. While these weeks tend to be broken up into each category, praying, caring and sharing often overlap as students engage with their friends.  

So, when Tyler’s roommate asked him for a Bible during the “prayer” portion, Tyler was eager and prepared to engage more! After handing over his Bible, Tyler suggested that Josue start reading in the book of John. When Tyler got back and asked him about his time, Josue mentioned that the passage he read related to his life and he felt a conviction to turn away from sin. Tyler has since been able to have more conversations about how to read the Bible and about what it means to follow Jesus with Josue. Pray for Josue, Tyler and all of our students engaging in Prayer, Care, Share! 

We are praising God for how he is working to reach the students at Sac State and our surrounding campuses. THANK YOU for your being a part of what God is doing in Sacramento and around the world. We are grateful for you!


  • Praise God for pursuing Josue and for the interest he is showing in reading the Bible! 
  • Pray for all of our students to be bold and full of love as they enter the share portion of this outreach! Praise God for growing the hearts of students like Tyler who long for others to know Jesus.
  • Pray for our “What’s Your Story, Prof?” event on March 13th at noon.
  • Pray for our family’s health. We’ve had some random illnesses that have left us tired.