As I (Jeff) stood at the altar with my groomsmen by my side, I looked out and saw so many people gathered to support Cameron and me. How surreal! The moment was finally here.
The bridesmaids made their way down the aisle one by one. Then I saw her. Outside, Cameron was walking arm in arm with her father, about to walk down the aisle to meet me at the altar. I gasped. Then tears started to flow down my cheeks. I looked longingly at her as she made her way down the aisle, where her father gave her to me. After a beautiful ceremony, we were pronounced man and wife, and I was allowed to kiss my bride.
We made our way to Kauai the next day for our honeymoon, a gift from many of the people who attended the wedding. It was so wonderful!
As I write this today, Cameron and I have been married for four weeks. We’re enjoying settling in together in our new apartment and living life together.
A Rocky Return
While the honeymoon went off nearly without a hiccup, the return home definitely didn’t.
We flew in to San Jose from Kauai late at night. We picked up our car and made a quick stop to get something to eat. We went over a speed bump a little too fast, and within a minute the car died and began to smoke. There were flames under the hood! Worst of all, we had no water to put the flames out. Luckily, after about 3 or 4 minutes, someone rescued us with a fire extinguisher. He put the flames out, but not before a lot of parts were completely fried, including the electrical wiring. The car was totaled.
Not the best way to return from your honeymoon!
Thankfully, Cameron has a car that we can use in the meantime, but it’s not a car that we would trust for the many trips we make down to Southern California for ministry conferences. As a result, we’re in the market for a car!
Winter Conference
The week before our wedding, over 800 students gathered in San Diego for a four-day conference. Over 70 Davis students came and were received training on how to walk with God for a lifetime and equipped in how to do evangelism in the relationships they already have. Additionally, one student from Davis named Shengxi (pronounced Shung-Zee) decided to give his life to Jesus!
Thanks so much for continuing to invest in our lives and ministry! We are blessed!
– Pray for God to provide a reliable car within the next month or so.
– Thank God for a beautiful wedding and wonderful honeymoon!
– Pray for us as we are learning to do life and ministry as a married couple. It’s definitely fun, but full of adjustments!
– Praise God for Shengxi’s decision!
– Deeper knowledge of the gospel in the hearts of our students.
More Pics
- “I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Jeff Clay!”
- Our first dance
- The kiss at the end of our first dance
- At our “sweetheart table”
- Honeymoon: A boat tour of the Na’Pali Coast in Kauai
- Honeymoon: A boat tour of the Na’Pali Coast in Kauai