Kendra Seeks the Truth

“I have a lot of questions that my religion didn’t answer, and I felt wrong for having those questions.” – Kendra

There are many college students like Kendra who haven’t been encouraged to ask questions or given a safe place to explore faith. As our team engages with these students, it is one of our privileges to create this safe place.

This semester, I (Cameron) have been meeting with a student leader named Aurora to spend time in the Word, do evangelism together, and pray for the campus. During one meeting, we approached several students in hopes of hearing their stories and sharing Jesus with them. We prayed that God would lead us to the person He wanted us to talk to. After a few people said they weren’t free, we saw Kendra sitting on a bench by herself. She immediately said yes to talking with us. 

Kendra is a first-year engineering student at Sac State who grew up in a religion and home that gave her lots of rules, but very little explanation. Given that Kendra is away from home for the first time, she is trying lots of new things and asking all of her questions, even if it means looking to other religions for answers. 

Eager to keep our conversation going, I asked if Kendra would want to hear how the Bible answers her questions. I shared that God is a God of truth and that her questions are always welcome. She said yes!

While sitting over coffee the following week, Aurora and I got to share about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and why it matters today. When asked if she wanted a relationship with Jesus, Kendra hesitated. She clearly understood the gospel and wants to have a relationship with God, but she also understood that there is a cost to following Jesus. She assumes that God is like her parents —strict — and won’t let her experience life fully. And, how is she supposed to follow someone she doesn’t know? 

Having never owned a Bible, or even read the Bible, we decided to get Kendra a Bible and start reading it together so she can know who this Jesus is. Please pray that God would captivate Kendra and give her true life in Him! And praise God for her curiosity and desire to know the truth! 

Thank you for helping create safe places for students like Kendra to discover God! You are a blessing to us and this ministry!


  • Praise God for how He led us to Kendra! Pray that she would come to know Him!
  • Pray for Aurora and our other students as they seek to love Jesus and share Him with others. 
  • Please pray for our students who are considering and preparing for spring break and summer missions trips. 
  • Pray for our family and our team to remain healthy through cold/flu season. 
  • Please pray for our hearts to savor Jesus this holiday season.