Lost Student Turned Laborer

Joaquin (3rd from the left) has trusted in Jesus and started sharing about him with others this fall!

Joaquin grew up in a nominally Catholic home, but his family didn’t really go to church or talk about faith.  It wasn’t until college, through his science classes, that he saw how creation points to a Creator, and he began to wonder what God might be like. However, at this point, these were just unanswered questions in his mind. 

This fall, some of our Cru staff ran into Joaquin during our weekly evangelism hour. They shared with him about who this Creator God is, and even more importantly, how we can know him through Christ. Joaquin decided then and there that he wanted to follow Jesus and begin a new relationship with this God!

Since then, Joaquin has been participating in our Sac State small group on Tuesday nights, learning more about the amazing good news of Jesus through the book of Ephesians. He meets up regularly with our staff to learn how to grow in his new faith through prayer, reading the Word, confessing sin, and sharing his faith. 

Recently, Joaquin shared his faith for the first time, helping to pass on that same good new to others! Praise God for his work in Joaquin’s life, and this example of how God takes lost students and turns them in into multiplying disciples! Pray for more students in Davis and Sacramento to come to know God and be sent out into the harvest fields!


  • Praise God for Joaquin’s new faith and growth in Christ! 
  • Pray for our students to draw closer to the Lord over Winter Break. 
  • Pray for our Winter Conference in January. Pray that many students will come and encounter the love, truth, and power of the gospel for themselves and others around them! 
  • Pray for our family to depend fully on Christ and seek him!  Please pray for our kids to grow up knowing the grace and truth of Jesus. 
  • Please pray for Jeff and Cam both to be learners in their roles as they navigate new technology, strategies, generations, and cultures to see the gospel go forth.