Surfacing Leaders on Every Campus

Cru students from Salt Lake City engage with a student at Sacramento City College

God is on the move, and our job is to join him in the work that he is already doing. Our belief is that he has raised up or is raising up the people and resources within a five mile radius of each campus to reach that campus with the gospel.

With that vision in mind, our Sacramento staff team, a few UC Davis Cru students and staff, and ten Salt Lake City Cru students on spring break recently blitzed five campuses in our area (Sac State, Sac City College, Cosumnes River College, Lake Tahoe Community College, and Yuba College) over a two-week period seeking to find people whom the Lord has raised up. We personally initiated with 1,649 people individually on those campuses in order to share with them this vision:

“We’re with an international student missions organization called Cru. We’re seeking to start the group here today. We’re looking for people who love God and want to share Christ with their classmates. Is that you, or do you know someone who fits that description?”

Honestly, this is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Once you find the needle, however, or the leader that the Lord has raised up, a gospel movement of evangelism and discipleship can really take off quickly.

One person that was surfaced at Yuba College was Joseph. Joseph is one of about a dozen students we found during our one-day visit to the campus who wanted to help start a spiritual movement at Yuba.

“I want there to be a space for people to come and ask questions and talk about God,” Joseph said.

Lucas, one of our staff members, shared with Joseph about the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20, and the principle of spiritual multiplication found in 2 Timothy 2:2. They talked about how God might start a movement at Yuba College through Joseph. Joseph wrote down five Christians he could involve in his vision, and five non-Christians he could begin to share the gospel with.

Pray for Joseph and students like him at Yuba College and around the Sacramento area. Our vision of student-led movements everywhere is dependent on them! Pray that God would ignite a passion in them to reach their fellow students with the gospel. And also pray that God would graciously give them what they need, whether that’s training, resources, or simply encouragement.

Thanks for being part of reaching every campus in the Sacramento area and beyond with the gospel!

Prayer Requests

Pray that the Lord would raise up students and volunteers to reach local college and high school campuses with the gospel.

Pray that our established student leaders would walk closely with Jesus and boldly share the gospel with those around them.

Pray for our upcoming staff planning in August. Pray that our staff team would have wisdom, renewed vision, and love each other well.

Entrust to Faithful Men

Lucas (right), with his wife, Katy, and 1 year old daughter, Elise.

“And the things you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” — 2 Timothy 2:2

I (Jeff) first met Lucas (left) in May of 2011 when he was a freshman at UC Davis in 2011. He had grown up in a Christian home, but never really understood the gospel and what it meant to give his whole life to Jesus. In the prior few months, the message of the gospel clicked and he decided to seek to live his whole life in submission to Jesus, which included ending an unhealthy dating relationship.

When I met Lucas that May, in just a few short weeks, he would be leaving for a 10-week summer mission with Cru to Ocean City, New Jersey. I was excited to know that in his upcoming sophomore year I would get to disciple him and lead a bible study with him to reach out to freshmen in the dorms.

Lucas came back from Ocean City having experienced a life-changing summer through training and experience in evangelism and discipleship. He eagerly desired to give his whole life to the type of spiritual multiplication we see in 2 Timothy 2:2. While the freshman bible study that year had its ups and downs with attendance, it was a joy to lead with Lucas and another student-leader, and we saw three freshmen men decide to give their lives to Jesus!

Lucas decided to go to Port Elizabeth, South Africa that summer on another Cru summer mission with a purpose of helping to launch student-led gospel movements on college campuses in the city. It was yet another transformative summer, this time in helping spread the gospel cross-culturally.

After graduating with a degree in philosophy from UC Davis in three short years, Lucas interned full-time with Cru at UC Davis for a year, and then joined staff with Cru for the long-term. I was so grateful to find out that his first staff assignment would be on my staff team in Sacramento!

It has been such a blessing to have Lucas on our team! He is faithful, steady, and brings an innovative spirit and mind in reaching college students. This year, he is active in helping launch and coach Cru movements at Sac State University, American River College, William Jessup University, and Yuba College. As a team leader, I know that whatever tasks I entrust to Lucas will be done well and faithfully.

Thank you for being part of raising up spiritual multipliers like Lucas!

Prayer Requests

Thank the Lord for Lucas. Pray for him and his wife, Katy, to continue to walk deeply with Jesus in the midst of adjusting to life with a young child and some family health issues. Pray also for the Lord to continue to use him in Sacramento and in San Diego this summer, where he’ll help lead a Cru Summer Mission that starts in a few short weeks.

Pray students heading out on summer mission this summer (San Diego and East Asia). Pray that they would experience a similar transformation that Lucas and many others have experienced while on mission, and also see much fruit.

Pray for a bonding and refreshing summer for our family.

Multiplying Faith at American River College

Cru Sac Metro students at Winter Conference

“So proud of Bobby!!  The Lord is working!” said Leo, a student leader at American River College, after a student-led outreach on their campus.

ARC Cru regularly meets to share their faith by initiating individual conversations with other students on campus.  This particular day, the group sent out six pairs of students to share their faith.  Five of the attendees had never shared their faith before going out!  In order for all the new people to pair up with someone more experienced, Bobby (above, back row, tilted head) had to take the lead for the first time.

Bobby’s first experience with evangelism was last semester.  Leo had started discipling Bobby and they shared their faith together a few times.  Bobby was astonished at how easy it was to have a conversation with someone, but seemed intimidated at the thought of doing it without the help of someone more experienced. Bobby was faithful to continue to meet with ARC Cru to initiate spiritual conversations with other students on campus, which gave him lots of practice.

Bobby went to Winter Conference with Cru Sac Metro (see picture above), and there he continued to be challenged to share his faith.  During the “Day of Faith”, 1200 students took to the streets to share their faith through evangelism and serving the community in partnership with local churches.

Cru Sac Metro’s assignment for the Day of Faith was to initiate spiritual conversations over social media with people we already knew.  For our students, this proved to be a much greater day of faith than initiating conversations with strangers.  Bobby and the others posted, tweeted, snapped, and insta’d their way into spiritual conversations with friends and family.  Bobby took a step of faith to initiate with his father, who he talks to only a few times a year.

Bobby’s dad was antagonistic.  It wasn’t the reaction he was hoping for.  Yet, Bobby was hopeful.  Lucas, a Cru Sac Metro staff member, reminded him that sharing the gospel with friends and family is a lifelong journey.  This was only the first step in pursuing his dad.

In only one semester, Bobby has gone from sharing his faith for the first time, initiating with his father, to now helping lead others in sharing their faith.  Praise God for Bobby’s faith, and that he is multiplying it in others!

Thanks for being part of helping students share and multiply their faith!

Prayer Requests

Praise the Lord for his work in and through Bobby and other students at American River College. Pray for them to continue to grow and share their faith on ARC campus!

Pray for God to surface more students who are excited to reach their campuses for Christ in the Sac area.

Continue to pray for Paul, a former staff member and the husband of one of our current staff members, Carrie. Paul was recently diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. Pray for his complete healing and for Carrie as she cares for their family.

Pray for Cameron and our family as we grieve the loss of her grandfather.

Praise God for the health and joy of our daughters! Hattie is almost 3 months and sleeping like a champ. Abby is 2 years old and so fun to do life with.

Evangelism to the Churched

“You’ve given me more answers in the past half hour than any of my professors have in the last year and a half.”

Alan, a sophomore, attends William Jessup University, a Christian college in Rocklin. Through a series of connections, our staff team has been given the opportunity to lead a small discussion-oriented class that students take for elective credit. Hoping to eventually start a Cru movement at Jessup, but not quite knowing what to expect, we decided to center the group around the basics of evangelism. What we didn’t expect was that the class would become a mission field itself.

On the first day of our group meeting, Cameron and another staff member named Lucas asked the class, “How would you describe your spiritual journey?” Many of the students were hesitant because, though they universally group up in Christian families and going to church, a majority of them were struggling in their faith, and many of them admitted to simply going through the motions.

Cameron and Lucas were at a loss. How could they both help the students that were walking with Jesus and really did want to grow in evangelism, while hopefully reaching the ones who were just there for credit? Late last month, the opportunity arose.

Being the middle of midterm season, attendance was low. The only students who were there were three roommates. Lucas saw an opportunity. “Since it’s just us today, we can just hang out for a bit and then you guys can leave early and go study.” He asked them about their struggles with Christianity. Alan spoke first, “Why is the Bible so complicated? If I had written it, it would be one line, ‘love each other’.” They talked for the rest of the class time. Lucas explained how the Bible was not about Alan as an individual, and not primarily a list of things to do, but about Jesus and his life, death, and resurrection.

They continued talking. At the end of their conversation, Alan told Lucas that none of his professors at this Christian school had answered his questions like this. This is somewhat understandable, since the other classes aren’t necessarily structured to answer the deep questions of individual students. Spiritual formation groups like this, however, are designed to provide opportunities for these deeper conversations. We’re so excited to be a part of it!

Thanks for being part of bringing the gospel to both students who grew up in the church and those who didn’t, so that every student on every campus knows someone who truly follows Jesus!

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Alan and other students in the class at Jessup who are either questioning their faith or aren’t yet walking with Jesus. Pray that the Lord would draw them to himself.
  • Pray that a Cru movement would be started at William Jessup University that helps students learn to walk with Jesus for a lifetime and introduce others to him.
  • Pray also for the Lord to raise up laborers (Matthew 9:38) to start movements at Sac City and Sierra colleges.
  • Please also pray for Cameron and our family as we prepare for the arrival of our baby girl.  Pray for a healthy end to her pregnancy and joy during the last couple months as a family of 3!

Fall Transitions

Fall semester is filled with transitions:   new students leaving home and looking for a place to belong; students returning from summers and trying to bridge the gap between school years; students preparing to transition out of college and soaking in their lasts.

Cru Sac Metro (Cru’s ministry to 5+ campuses in the greater Sacramento area) has spent the last 6 weeks reaching out to these new students, following up with our returning students, seeking to reach new campuses, and providing opportunities for students for students to engage with the Lord personally.

One such opportunity was our annual Fall Retreat (top right).  About 40 students joined us for a fun weekend in the Sierras and to hear about being entrusted with the gospel. Students, especially those new to Cru, found community and learned more about how to make the Christian faith their own.  One theme talked about at retreat and this semester is daily dependence on the Holy Spirit to help us in our walks with Christ.  Our hope is that students will see that no matter the season or transition, their walks with Jesus can be deep and fruitful.

Summer Update


In our last update, we asked a few students, including Brielle and Kirsten, about why they wanted to go on a summer mission and what they were excited about.  When they got back, we asked them, “What did God do in you this summer?” Here are their responses.

What did God do in you this summer?

Brielle: “[On mission] in Santa Monica, God taught me a lot about surrender. I learned that I often put my value in people or my accomplishments rather than in God alone. I learned that I have to surrender this and other things to God daily to live for Him. Surrendering is not just a one time decision.

God used our mission this summer to help bring 11 people to Christ, plant seeds to start a movement at the local community college, and share love and joy with our coworker’s.

I also learned what a God-centered community looks like and how important fellowship is. We  learned what it looks like to serve, lead, and be     vulnerable with 60 strangers that became family. “


Kirsten:    I struggle with insecurities, depression, and anxiety on a daily basis.  God chose to use the darkest points of my life as experience that can help others.  So many of my struggles were shared struggles that other women were going through.  God used my desire to love people and to listen to work in their lives.

God also gave me the opportunity to have a car on summer mission, which allowed me to [serve] by driving [fellow students] work, stores, events, anywhere.

God worked through me by me a heart for the lost and a burning passion to seek them out.

Prayer Requests

Pray for us and for students to walk in the Spirit every day and that students would be bold to share their faith.

Pray for Cameron and baby GIRL’s (!!) health with this pregnancy.  Cam has some joint pain but overall healthy.

Pray for Cameron’s spiritual formation group on evangelism at William Jessup (a Christian university).  It turns out that many in the group don’t have a personal relationship with Christ.  Pray that they would respond to the gospel.

Cru Sac Metro on Mission

10 of our college students in Sacramento have decided to spend their summer sharing the Gospel with those who don’t know Jesus and receiving training on how to better reach their campuses when they come back in the fall.

For your benefit, we asked our students going on summer missions why they wanted to go and what they’re excited about. Below is what three of them said:

“I was really scared to go on a summer mission. I didn’t really think it was an option for me because I couldn’t take that much time off work. God convicted me that I need to put him first, even if that means quitting my job. He has grown my heart for reaching the lost and giving my summer completely to Him. I’m excited to see how He grows my relationship with Him and my evangelism skills. I’m also stoked to see Him move in the hearts of those around me whether they are on the mission, at my job, or strangers met while doing evangelism.” — Brielle, American River College


“After going last summer, I was so certain that I was not going to go on another mission this summer. I was planning on taking summer classes at community college back home… A friend who I met on mission last year told me that he was going on another mission this summer. He invited me to go with him, and I at first I was unsure about going. As God took me on a spiritual journey… “unsure” turned into “leaning towards yes”, which turned into complete excitement to go… He has something in store for me this summer, and I absolutely cannot wait to find out what it is.” — Josh, Sacramento State


“Last year, I ran from summer mission and was going to run from it this year but God made it abundantly clear that through my struggles, this is what He wants me to do this summer. I’m nervous but super excited about seeing how God is going to grow me in my willingness to wholeheartedly share my faith and the gospel with not only complete strangers, but those I have close relationships with as well.” — Kirsten, Sacramento State

Prayer Requests

  • Brielle, Josh, Kirsten, and the other 7 students are all currently at their summer mission location. Pray that the Lord would use the remainder of their summers, that they would grow greatly, and that they would be fruitful both where they currently are and at their campuses in the fall.
  • Incoming freshmen and transfers are already beginning to think about what communities to be part of when they get to college. Pray that they would get connected to Cru, a church, or other Christian ministries in Sacramento in the fall.


An Incredible Pursuit

Kenny (pictured left) came to Sac State looking to live the “college lifestyle”.  Though he was raised in a Christian home, he had never made his faith his own, and certainly had no plans of doing so in when he got to college.  As his parents dropped him off at school and left, Kenny wanted to explore and party, and his parents knew it.  They cried as they dropped him off and drove home without Kenny.

By God’s grace, after a few weeks at college, Kenny found that the “college lifestyle” wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.  He began to look for something different.

It was then that one of his friends invited him to Cru’s fall retreat.

Kenny went and had the weekend of his life. He deeply connected with the speaker and made friends. He decided that the Christian faith was something that he wanted to pursue.

And what a pursuit it was! When we got back to school, Kenny started meeting with a Cru staff member to go over new-believer bible study material. As the school year ended, he found himself on a Cru summer mission, receiving training and experience in evangelism and discipleship. As he returned back to school for his sophomore year, he began leading a bible study for freshmen in the dorms. Soon, he began taking one of those freshmen through the same new-believer bible study material that he went through just a year before. After his junior year, he went on a summer mission with Cru to East Asia, where he shared the gospel with many who had never heard the gospel or even the name of Jesus.

Knowing how much his life had changed in college, Kenny decided to intern with Cru for two years and is now joining staff, in hopes of helping others find Jesus in college just like he did. The Lord has used him greatly to bring people to faith and disciple men; we’re so grateful to have him on our staff team!

Kenny was won to Jesus in college, built up in his faith, and sent out to reach those around him.  It’s this pattern of win, build, and send that we want to see happen with the 130,000 college students in Sacramento. Imagine how the world would change if students saw Jesus for how worthy he truly is!

Thank you for being part of Jesus pursuing students, like he did with Kenny!

Prayer Requests

Praise God for His pursuit of Kenny and others like him!  We are so grateful to be a part of God’s redemption story in people’s lives!

We are so excited to have 10 students going on Summer Missions with Cru!  Pray for their preparations and hearts as they go into these equipping and enriching summers.  Pray that God would use them for His glory!

Please also pray for our staff team as we finish the year and begin planning for next fall.  Pray that we would have energy to finish well, be led by the Spirit, and do all things unto the glory of Christ!

Fresh Perspective

TiffaniTiffani’s experience of church growing up reflected the world around her— broken.  She grew up in a family that honored her great-grandmother in attending church together.  But Tiffani’s desire to learn about God was clouded by seeing some of her family members act very differently at church than she witnessed at home.  And after her great-grandmother’s death, Tiffani’s church attendance and involvement lessened and her view of church became more associated with hypocrisy and religion.

Last November, Tiffani was preparing to attend Sacramento State and was working at an after school center in Bakersfield alongside a coworker named Jasmine.  Jasmine’s life looked different and she made choices that intrigued Tiffani.  After initiating a spiritual conversation with Tiffani, Jasmine began to explain that she was a Christian and before trusting God, she had been unsatisfied with life.  But, when she turned to God, she found satisfaction and because of her faith, she stopped doing things that the world and culture expected her to do.

Jasmine invited Tiffani to attend church with her.  There, Tiffani was given a greater understanding of Jasmine’s faith and was able to learn about God and faith in a church that did not carry the same baggage that her own had for so many years.  After her experiences with Jasmine, Tiffani decided that when she got to Sacramento she would investigate this Christianity and God thing more.

Tiffani arrived at Sac State two months ago and was invited to check out Cru.  She attended most of our welcome week events, began making friends, and attended our weekly meeting.  After a few weeks, one of our staff members, Carrie, met with Tiffani to go through a gospel presentation called Knowing God Personally and to get a better understanding of where Tiffani was at with God.  Tiffani felt like she had learned a lot and wanted to trust Christ but needed more time.  She took the booklet home and thought about it more.  The next week, Tiffani and Carrie met up again.  Tiffani had felt the need to confess some things and bring her self fully before the Lord. They prayed together and Tiffani placed her trust in Christ.  She is now learning what it means to walk with Jesus daily, what it looks like to read the Bible and pray and live in Christian community.

We rejoice with the angels that Tiffani has become a follower of Christ!  And we are so grateful for your prayers and investment in seeing students like Tiffani take steps of faith in their spiritual journeys.  We give thanks to God for your faithful and sacrificial partnership!

Prayer Requests

Thank God for the work he has done in Tiffani’s life!  Praise him for the people he used to help bring her to himself! Pray for her to grow in faith and in her walk with Christ.

Pray for Jeff as he leads the Cru movement in Sacramento.  Pray for God to lead through him and for energy to do the work.

Pray for our team to finish the semester well.  Pray for unity, grace, joy, diligence, and love among our staff and students.

Pray for Cameron as she continues to figure out a new normal with being a mom and working on campus.

Leaving a Legacy

Rudy, a junior, is reaching to out freshmen who were in his shoes two years ago!

Rudy, a junior, is reaching to out freshmen who were in his shoes two years ago!

As he arrived at Sac State to start college, Rudy (above) faced a dilemma just like many other freshmen.

“I really didn’t have any friends or family (close by).  I was really alone.  I missed my family a lot.”

Away from home for the first time, Rudy was looking for a community, a place to belong.  He said he had begun a personal relationship with Jesus when he was 10 or 11 years old, but it sadly was only a Sunday thing that didn’t affect his day-to-day life.  As he came to college, it was no guarantee that his faith would become stronger and a bigger part of his life.

“But, I found Cru,” said Rudy.  “God, through Cru, built me up even stronger.”  Rudy got involved in a bible study and found people that pursued him.  “All these people were there for me.”

Two years later, Rudy has greatly learned and grown in his faith.  Asked what he has learned since coming to college, Rudy responded:  “It’s not really about me.  We’re here to serve God.  We’re here to fulfill the Great Commission.  We’re here to reach out to people and introduce them to the gospel, make more disciples, more Christ-centered laborers.  In the end, that’s what really matters.”

Rudy wants to use the time that he has left to make an impact and leave a legacy.  “I have only two years left.  I know that I can leave something behind.”

Rudy is helping lead a freshman bible study this year, reaching out to those who were in his shoes two years ago.  “As we meet with these guys, I can feel a similar love for them as God has for each of his children.  Ashton [his freshman bible study leader at the time] was there for me when I was a freshman.  He pursued me because he had a love for freshmen.  I think that rubbed off on me.  When I look at these freshmen, I want to build community as well.”

We’re so grateful that the Lord has provided a community for Rudy, strengthened him in his faith, and given him a desire to reach out to freshmen who are currently where he was a few years ago.  Thanks for being part of this crucial and worthwhile mission!



  • Please pray for our freshmen class.  We’ve been encouraged by our new students at the community colleges, but gathering at Sac State has been more difficult.
  • Praise God for a good working-relationship among our staff team and between Jeff and his co-leader, Alex.
  • Please pray for our family as we continue to adjust to a new stage of life, new roles, and new home.

A Quick Update and Prayer Requests


We’ve officially moved to Sacramento!  With the help of over 20 friends and family (shown above), we were moved out of our old place and into our new place in less than 3 hours!  We’re settling in and preparing for the new school year.  We’re currently in the middle of a time of prep with our staff team and involved students as we pray and plan for the upcoming school year.  Thanks so much for being part of this ministry. Here are some ways you can pray:

  • For Jeff as he meets and plans with Alex (Alexandra), his co-team leader for Sac Cru. Pray for a great working relationship.
  • For our staff team to be unified and love each other well, as many of us are new to the team.
  • For Jeff and Cameron to quickly get to know our involved students and be able to invest deeply.
  • Abby is almost 5 months old and very active. Pray for us to nurture and parent her well, and that she comes to know Jesus at a very early age.
  • Pray for rest. We’re coming off of a busy few months with lots of transition and now entering into an extremely busy season with the start of the school year.  Pray for energy and dependence on the Lord.

With gratitude,

Jeff, Cameron, and Abby