An Exciting Transition

The Sacramento skyline

The Sacramento skyline

We’d love to announce to you an exciting transition!

Jeff was recently asked by our regional leadership team of Cru to consider taking a leadership position overseeing college campuses in the greater Sacramento area.  After spending time praying and receiving feedback from peers and leaders, we’ve decided to accept the position.

We’re excited for what the Lord is calling us to!  The greater Sacramento area has about 150,000 college students.  Over time, we would love to see each one of them have an opportunity to put their trust in Jesus.  Jeff will get to co-lead a team of staff and students seeking to fulfill this mission, and Cameron will get to be a valued and experienced team member.  While there is an established group of students already involved in Cru at Cal State University of Sacramento (CSUS), our vision is greater than just one campus.  We are trusting the Lord to reach every campus in the surrounding area.

While we are excited to trust the Lord for a new scope of students, we are sad to leave our current team and students at UC Davis.  Cameron has spent eight years at Davis (four as a student and four as full-time staff with Cru) and Jeff five years.  We’ve seen the Lord bring students to know him, build them up in their faith, and use them as leaders on campus and after they graduate to reach those around them.  The past five years of changed life stories in prayer letters have testified to this! What has made leaving Davis easier and all that the Lord is doing here, however, is knowing that there is a solid group of strong leaders, especially among the staff team. The Lord will continue to work in and among the staff and students.  We feel that UC Davis is in good hands!

Staff leadership in Sacramento, however, has been shorthanded.  We are excited to help fill a huge need and see many students’ lives changed as a result!

Please pray for our transition.  There is already lots of transition with the addition of Abby.  Now, we will move to a new city, find a new church, and have a new role with Cru.  It’s all exciting, but a transition nonetheless.

We’re grateful for you as you are with us in this transition!  Excited to see what the Lord does in the coming years!

Prayer Requests

Please pray for our Davis students as they prepare for summer! Pray that they would walk closely with Jesus as they go home, work, and travel!

Praise God for the 5+ years of ministry that Jeff and I have experienced in Davis!  God has blessed us with many firsts here- college, meeting, marrying, first home, baby, etc!

Please pray for us as we prepare and transition to Sac. Pray for our move and housing in Sac.  And pray that God would bless our new team and the students we reach there.

Meet Abigail Joy Clay

BirthWe usually use our updates to you to mostly give you an update on how ministry is going.  For this update, however, we wanted to introduce you to our new baby girl!

Abigail Joy Clay was born on March 18 at 3:39pm.  She weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and measured 20 inches.  We’re so excited to welcome Abby!

Cameron had a long labor of 60 hours.  She was quite the trooper!

We’re loving getting to know our baby girl more and more and seeing new things every day.

See below for more pictures (click thumbnails for larger versions).  Enjoy!

Prayer Requests

Praise the Lord for a healthy baby girl!

Pray for Cameron to continue to recover.

Pray for our little girl to come to know Jesus.

Pray for rest, energy, and wisdom for us as we adjust to life as new parents.

“Only One Way?”

Hannah, a 2nd year student, used a campus outreach to start spiritual conversations with 3 of her friends.

Hannah, a 2nd year student, used a campus outreach to start spiritual conversations with 3 of her friends.

“How can you say there is only one way to God?” Questions like this come up frequently on the campus today.

Last month the students on our outreach team hosted a 3 week outreach meant to spark candid spiritual conversations with non-Christians and help equip Christian students in how to engage in spiritual dialogue with the culture around them.  The outreach team gave trainings, helped students engage with others on campus, and encouraged students to invite their friends to the viewing of a 3-part video series of Manhattan pastor, Tim Keller, addressing hard questions from skeptics. The series entitled “The Reason for God” deals with various questions and worldviews that pose barriers to the gospel, such as “Why does God allow suffering?” and “Isn’t the Bible a myth?”

Hannah (above), a third year animal science major, invited her spiritually open roommate, Lara, and two other friends, Melody and Lauren (one a Christian and one not) to week 3 of the video series.  The topic was “How can you say there is only one way to God?”

After watching the 20 minute discussion between Tim Keller and a group of men and women with various spiritual views, Hannah and her friends were able to have a great conversation about this topic.  While this wasn’t her first spiritual conversation with Lara, it re-opened the door for more conversations, which had become less frequent because of the busyness of classes, work, and studies for both girls.

We are excited by our students’ desire to reach their friends and fellow students with the gospel! Thanks for coming alongside us and students like Hannah as we seek to make Christ known on the college campus.

Prayer Requests

Praise God for the work he’s done through this outreach and our students involved with it!

Please pray for boldness and wisdom for Hannah as she continues to pursue Lara in conversation.  Pray that God would draw Lara (and the other non-Christians who engaged with the outreach) to himself.

“My Mom Signed Me Up for This Conference”

Over 900 students attended Radiate!

Over 900 students attended Radiate!

Jordan entered the registration room alone.  He had just arrived at Radiate, Cru’s regional winter conference over MLK weekend, and he looked a little out of his element.  As I (Jeff) helped register him for the conference, I noticed that he went to school at UC Irvine.  Wanting to find out more about him, I asked how he was involved in Cru at UCI.

“Umm, I’m not.  My mom signed me up for this conference.”

This could be interesting, I thought to myself.  As campus missionaries, it’s fairly common to receive emails from concerned parents asking us to reach out to their children.  We empathize with these parents who want the children they love so much to follow Jesus in college.  Unless their child has first indicated that they want to be contacted, however, reaching out on behalf of their parent without the student’s permission sometimes turns them off to Jesus or makes them more resistant.  I had these thoughts in mind when Jordan mentioned that he was at the conference because his mom signed him up.

Two days later, I saw Jordan in an elevator and made a point to say hi to him.  I asked how he was enjoying the conference.

“It was just what I needed,” he said.  Jordan had grown up as a pastor’s kid.  He said that while he had a lot of spiritual knowledge, he had decided to pursue other things; he had never made his faith his own.  The content of the conference, however, had adjusted his perspective.  He had decided to make his faith his own and pursue the Lord.

Praise God that Jordan encountered Jesus at Radiate, along with over 900 students from California, Arizona, and Hawaii.  We’re grateful that the Lord uses conferences like these to draw students closer to himself.  Pray that the fruit of the conference would be long lasting, making an eternal impact, and that it wouldn’t be a mountaintop experience that quickly gets forgotten once school gets busy.  Also, pray specifically that Jordan would be deeply rooted in the gospel and Jesus’ grace.

Thank you SO MUCH for being part of Jesus’ rescuing of students like Jordan!!

Prayer Requests

  • Praise God for the 900+ students who attended Radiate (50+ from Davis). Pray that God would help them integrate the things they learned into daily life.
  • Please pray for the upcoming outreach that our students are putting  on in the next few weeks.  Pray that God would use it!
  • Please pray for continued health and development  of Baby Girl and for Cameron’s health as we get closer to her due date. Also pray that God would prepare us to be parents.

Greek Life at UC Davis

Some of the 13 staff and students helping pass out snacks to women looking for a sorority house to join.

Some of the 13 staff and students helping pass out snacks to women looking for a sorority house to join.

Every year hundreds of UC Davis students participate in Rush Week, a week full of meet and greets, interviews, selection processes, and finally, induction ceremonies for each sorority house.  This process usually includes girls walking from house to house in fancy outfits from early morning to late evening with few breaks for food or water!

This year, Cru wanted to bless these ladies who were searching for a community in Davis.  We had about 13 Cru staff and students (above) help pass out snacks, mini water bottles, and a flyers letting the girls know that we were praying for them. The girls we met were so thankful for the goodies, and we loved being able to bless this group of women with whom we generally don’t get to interact because of their schedules!

Another aspect of Cru’s outreach to the Greek community has been to start a weekly gathering called Greek Life.   I (Cameron) have been meeting with 5 women who are, will be, have been, or have close friends in a sorority on Wednesdays to study the Word, pray for their communities, and think through how to love their sorority sisters with the gospel.

It is so exciting to see how God has grown this ministry from last year’s weekly prayer time with one student into a budding ministry.

Thank you for partnering with us as we work to see Jesus known in all pockets of campus!

Prayer Requests

Please pray that God would grow Greek Life and our ministry to the Greek Community at UC Davis.  Pray that many men and women would find life in Christ.

Please pray for our growing family!  Pray that God would bless our marriage, baby’s growth, and all of our preparations!  Please also pray that God would give us energy and leading in ministry.

Fall Beginnings

Brian's freshman year was greatly important for his faith

Brian’s freshman year was greatly important for his faith

Freshmen move in at UC Davis on September 19-20.  We will be intensely reaching out to them in the following weeks.  To give you an idea of how influential freshman year can be and what God can do, we thought it would be best for you to hear the story of a former freshman, Brian (above), in his own words:

“Growing up, I was very lucky to have a wonderful mother who raised me in the church despite the fact that my father was not, and still is not to this day, a Christian. But as I grew older, life changed.  All of a sudden, the story of Jesus [and living as a Christian] didn’t seem so sweet. Too often it seemed like a long list of rules, which wasn’t very appealing. Instead, I choose to prioritize being the top of my class and relationships with others over my faith.

“Entering college after a senior year mostly spent backpedaling in my faith, I was very unsure of the direction my spiritual life was going to take. At the recommendation of a friend of my older brother, I decided to show up at Cru’s first weekly meeting of the year. The highlight of the meeting came at the end when I was introduced to the two upperclassmen, named Tyler and Andrew, who would be leading the Bible study in my dorm area. Although I proceeded to go to a party immediately following the meeting, I was left thinking about the enthusiasm and care that seemed to emulate not only from Tyler and Andrew, but from everyone else back at the weekly meeting.

“Over the next year, Tyler and Andrew taught me how the Christian life is a conscious decision to make every day to submit myself before our eternal king Jesus and trust that the path he has prepared for me is for my good. As I began to surrender things that I had long held onto, I was amazed to see how Jesus began molding me into a new person. I had a purpose like none before, and all of a sudden, asking my floor mates and friends about their spiritual beliefs and sharing with them what I believed, while still scary, was something that actually happened and I even looked forward to!”

Brian led a small group bible study in the dorms last year and was able to mentor two men who lived in the dorms.  He says, “I see in their eyes a desire to experience our Savior in new and deeper ways, and I absolutely love helping them take steps in that direction.”  After coming with us to South Africa this summer, he is ready to reach out to more freshmen and strengthen them in their faith, like Tyler and Andrew did for him.

Thanks for being part of reaching this year’s incoming freshmen!  We’re so grateful for your partnership!

Prayer Requests

Thank God for the work he has done in Brian’s life and how he is using him.

Pray for the incoming freshmen.  Pray that Christians would get connected to a church or campus fellowship so that college can be a time where they thrive in their faith.  Pray for non-Christians, that they would meet Jesus have their lives changed.

Pray for energy and dependence on the Spirit as our staff and students reach out.

Orchestrated Moments

Frank (left) with Brian, a first-year student at Rhodes University

Frank (left) with Brian, a first-year student at Rhodes University

God often orchestrates divine appointments when you aren’t looking for them.  Even on mission trips!

A huge goal of our trip to South Africa this summer was to surface Christ-centered leaders at Rhodes University who would be willing help lead a student-led movement of Christ followers that want to reach their campus after our team left.  One day, Ashley was taking a lunch break after a morning of evangelism on campus.  Waiting in line in the cafeteria, she struck up a conversation with Brian (above, right), a first year student from Johannesburg.  It was just chit-chat, but little did Ashley know that her conversation would set the stage for a deeper conversation.

Ashley paired up with Frank (above, left) after lunch for more evangelism.   Recognizing Brian, Ashley approached him.  After eventually presenting the gospel, they found out that Brian was a Christian and looking for a Christian group to be part of.  Frank and Brian started to meet up regularly to go over four basic bible studies that ground Christians in their faith.  Brian was a faithful and eager learner.  Just a few months after getting involved in Cru at Rhodes University, he is now ready and excited to lead a discipleship group in which he can communicate the truths that he learned to his fellow students.  Praise the Lord!

The Lord did so much in our time in South Africa.  Leaders were raised up and are continuing to be raised up through currently involved students.  Additionally, there are now at least eight discipleship groups happening at Rhodes University, seven of which are led by Rhodes students.  Brian and the other involved students are eager to reach their campus.

Thanks for partnering with us in this mission to the world!

Prayer Requests

Thank God for the 13 South Africans who began relationships with Jesus!

Pray for a strong student movement that lasts for decades to come.

Pray for the students as they seek to reach their campus.

Praise God for the work he did through and in our team of Americans!

Meet Our South Africa Team

South Africa Summer Mission 2015

South Africa Summer Mission 2015

Front Row, Left to Right:
Ashley – 3rd year, UC Davis
Hannah – 4th year, UC Santa Barbara
Emiley – 4th year, UC Davis
Cameron – Cru Staff at UC Davis
Kelsey – 3rd year, UC Davis
Rosie – 3rd year, UC Davis
Back Row, Left to Right:
Kaitlin – 4th year, UC Davis
Frank – 5th year, Cal Poly Pomona
Adam – 5th year, UC Davis
Michael – 4th year, Chico State
Brian – 4th year, UC Davis
Jeff – Cru Staff at UC Davis

As you read this, we are most likely flying to or have just arrived in South Africa!  We will spend about 28 hours traveling before we land.

For the next six weeks, Cameron and I are leading a team of ten American students to help launch a Cru movement at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, near Port Elizabeth.  We will come alongside the Cru students already there and the small team of long-term staff coaching them.  Rhodes is considered one of the top ten universities is all of Africa (not just South Africa).  Students come from all over Africa to attend this prestigious university.  What if their lives could be forever changed because of their involvement in Cru at Rhodes University?  A great missionary force, both in full-time vocational Christian work and in the marketplace, would be raised up to point the continent of Africa to Jesus.  This is our hope for the long-term Cru movement at Rhodes University.

The ten American college students that we are taking with us have all seen their lives change drastically while they have been involved with Cru in college.  They desire to obey God’s command to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20).  They want to see the Lord use them to make an impact in the lives of those who don’t know him yet.  They want to be equipped in how to be life-long laborers that point people to Jesus wherever they go.

Thanks for investing in the lives of students both in the US and in South Africa!  We’re grateful for your partnership!

Prayer Requests


Please pray for our team of 12!
Praise God that he provided a team and the funds for the team to go to South Africa!
Please pray for growth, effectiveness, and unity in our team.
Pray that God would prepare the students at Rhodes to hear the gospel, believe, and become life-long disciples of Jesus.
Pray that God would raise up Christ-centered student leaders at Rhodes.
Pray that God would use this summer to have a long-lasting impact at Rhodes and beyond for his kingdom!


Jeff usually can’t sleep on planes.  Pray for sleep (both to and from South Africa).
Pray for energy as we lead our team for the next 6 weeks.
Pray for unity in our marriage as we lead together.

Acting on Perspectives

Ashley, a sophomore, used an outreach taking place at UC Davis to reach out to her brother!

Ashley, a sophomore, used an outreach taking place at UC Davis to reach out to her brother!

Like many Christians who come to college and are faced with an array of temptations and pressures, Ashley (pictured left) spent her first year at Davis navigating how to be a Christian in the midst of college.  Having tested the waters of the party scene, and weary from the world’s empty pursuits, Ashley entered her sophomore year hungry for something more—a deeper dependence and faith in Jesus.  She knew what she’d been doing wasn’t working.  So, looking to take her faith seriously and grow in her relationship with God, she immersed herself in the Cru community at Davis.  She began attending a Bible study for her major, joining the weekly prayer times held on campus, and learning how to engage in spiritual conversations and share her faith with students on campus.

In February, our ministry hosted an outreach using Perspective Cards (an evangelism tool highlighted in our previous letter) to surface students’ worldviews and share the gospel.  One aspect of the outreach was a challenge to our students to prayerfully consider trusting the Lord to try Perspectives with three of their friends over the course of two weeks.  Ashley was one of the 50+ students to participate in the outreach, and she took it a step closer to home:

“I have been praying for my brother to be saved for around 5 years now but I rarely ever talk to him about God.  We were challenged in the outreach to do Perspective Cards, so I decided to do them with my brother… He was curious to know more and came to church with me the next day where he prayed to receive Christ!  Not only did that transform my brother’s life, but my faith was radically changed as well.  God blessed me in my small step of faith, which has given me boldness and courage to keep taking bigger steps of faith.”

One of Ashley’s next steps is to go on a Summer Mission with Cru to South Africa.  Thanks for helping students like Ashley embark on the journey that is faith in Christ!

Clay Update

We are excited to share that this summer we will be leading Ashley and 9 other students on a Summer Mission to Grahamstown, South Africa!

In 2010, we were part of the first summer mission team from the US to the Eastern Cape of South Africa.  Our goal was to start an evangelistic movement on Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (1.5 hours from Rhodes Univ. in Grahamstown).

Since then, God has used teams like ours and year-long teams to bring hundreds of students to trust in him for the first time. Because of their desire to see the good news of Jesus spread as far as possible, many of these NMMU Cru students are now reaching out to other campuses in the region. There are currently 40 South African students involved in the ministry across four different campuses.

This summer our team hopes to come alongside these students to help launch an evangelistic movement at Rhodes University.  We’re trusting that the Lord will use our summer to help launch a healthy self-sustaining movement that will affect South African lives for years to come!

Prayer Requests

Praise God for Gabby who has begun a relationship with Jesus! Pray that she would stay connected to community and grow in her faith this summer.

Please pray for our students as they prepare for finals and head  into summer. Pray that they would be intentional with their faith and their time.

Pray for our team and us as leaders as we plan and prepare for our trip to SA. Pray that God would work in our hearts and the hearts of those we’ll meet.

What’s Your Perspective?

PerspectiveMany people’s worldviews are becoming increasingly diverse.  And for many, the Christian worldview is becoming increasingly strange and hard to believe.  This is especially true on college campuses like UC Davis.

Even if students wanted to believe the gospel, most just can’t accept it because it goes against what they “know” to be true of the world.  And, what they “know” to be true has to be discussed before they can even come close to a point where they can fully entrust their lives to the biblical Jesus.

Because of this, we’ve been using a conversation starter on campus called “Perspective Cards”.  With the look of a deck of playing cards, this tool allows us to respectfully and casually dialogue with students on issues such as:

What is the nature of God?
What is the meaning and purpose of life?
What is human nature?
Who is/was Jesus?
What is the source of spiritual truth?

Cameron and I love using these cards because it allows us to diagnose where any student is at spiritually.  We get to listen respectfully, ask questions that help them consider what is true, and then present the Christian worldview.  Because a framework has been laid, they are usually able to listen, understand, and consider the message of Jesus in a way that they wouldn’t have been able to had their worldview and the Christian worldview not been discussed.  In addition, a conversation like this begins to establish a jumping-off point for many conversations in the future.  (Coming to faith is often a long process for today’s college students.)

Our students in Cru at UC Davis love using these cards too!  We had an outreach a few weeks ago where we challenged students to prayerfully consider trusting the Lord to try Perspectives with three of their friends over the course of two weeks.  In total, students decided to trust the Lord to have over 150 conversations with their friends who may or may not know Jesus!  It’s so cool to see our students taking steps of faith to trust the Lord to have spiritual conversations!

We are so thankful for innovative tools that foster meaningful conversations with today’s generation of college students.  In the coming months, we’ll give you some stories about how students have used these cards to reach out to those around them.

Grateful for your investment in our ministry,
Jeff and Cameron

P.S. If you want to hear how you might be able to get a deck yourself and how you could use these cards, visit

Prayer Requests

Thank you for praying for Gabby! And, please continue to do so. God is doing some cool things in her life.

Pray that our students would continue to have a heart to reach out to their friends.

Please pray for our Easter Outreach on March 31 – April 2. Pray for openness and lots of gospel conversations.

Please pray that God would give us and our staff team rest and rejuvenation over spring break and as we head into spring quarter.