In May and June, campuses in Sacramento and Davis wrapped up their terms, and with the close of another school year, our team spent time reflecting on God’s work in our midst and celebrating together. Thank you for investing in these students and partnering with us in all that God did this year! Here are some highlights:

Aurora and Jade: Aurora, a freshman student at Sac State (pictured above in orange next to Cam), found us during a Welcome Week event in August when she and her boyfriend, Javin, were walking by. Both of them got involved in our Monday night small group and started learning how to share Christ with others.
Beyond just getting into spiritual conversations with other students on campus, Aurora began initiating with her friend, Jade, to talk about Jesus. All year long, Aurora asked the Monday night group to pray for Jade and to pray for wisdom in how to answer Jade’s questions about Christianity. Talking with friends about the gospel is often more nerve-racking than with strangers at school!
This spring, God’s work in Jade’s heart became evident, as she spiritually opened up more and more. She started asking deeper questions and wanting to understand why Jesus’ life and message are such good news. At the beginning of April, the week before Easter, she finally accepted Aurora’s invitation to come with her to church. Through that service and her many talks with Aurora, Jade decided to place her faith in Christ!
Since then, Jade has been regularly going to church with Aurora and learning about her new life in Jesus! Pray for Jade as she continues in her new relationship with the Lord, learning and growing in him.
Students taking steps in evangelism. Most of our students learned how to share their faith and had opportunities to put it into practice. A dozen of them shared Christ for the first time this year!
5 new brothers and sisters in Christ! Aside from Jade, we saw other students indicate decisions for Christ through the evangelistic efforts of our students. Pray for these students to also grow in their new relationships with the Lord.
2 new launched ministries. In our goals to reach every student on every campus, we try to launch multiple groups on campuses to focus on reaching different pockets of students. This year, the Lord brought together leaders to start Epic (a ministry to Asian-American students) at Sac State and Destino (a ministry to Latino students and faculty) at UC Davis. Pray that God would reach every student with the good news of Jesus and overcome cultural barriers!
Students discipling students. As a result of rebuilding post-COVID, this year the Lord raised up student leaders who can disciple and lead other students, helping them walk with God and share their faith. He is multiplying our impact!
- Praise God for all that He did this year!
- Pray for our students to grow in their relationships with God over summer break.
- Pray for God to be working in the hearts of students we will meet this year!
- Pray for our family to daily draw close to the Lord and be shaped by Him. Pray that we would be refreshed!