Zoe Shares Her Map

Zoe (front row, 3rd from left) has taken steps of faith this fall!

One of the activities that we lead our Tuesday bible study (pictured above) to do is creating a relational network map.  They are given 5 minutes to diagram spheres of relationships where God has placed them (i.e. work, class, gym, neighborhood, etc).  After filling in names of people in each group, we ask them to circle 3-5 people that they want to commit to praying for and engaging with spiritually over the coming weeks.  

Zoe, a first year Sac City student (in the orange sweatshirt), filled in her map and tucked it away as we finished our study. She left with the task of starting to pray for her map of people before the following week, but Zoe saw a greater opportunity and took it.

Zoe is a caregiver for “Greg,” whose daily life has been greatly impacted by a stroke.  After going about some of her work duties, she sat down with Greg and told him about our Bible study and the activity she was led to do. She walked him through each step and how she created her map. Then, she showed him where she had circled his name.  She asked, “How would you feel if I prayed for you and shared more about Jesus with you?”

Greg was open to talking more with Zoe about God, and she has since begun reading the book of John to him. 

Please pray for Zoe and the rest of our students as they intentionally go about their days praying for and engaging with their spheres of influence!  Thank you for investing in these students’ lives and the eternities of those that they share life with.  We are so grateful for your partnership!


  • Praise God for Zoe and others in our group taking steps to share the gospel! Pray for their dependence on the Holy Spirit and for God to draw people to himself.
  • Pray for our Journey (Tuesday) and Explore (Wednesday) Groups to be growing and learning how to walk closely with Jesus. 
  • Please pray for our staff team as we plan for the coming semester- for unity, wisdom, and creativity!
  • Please pray for our family’s health as we enter into cold and flu season.